10 Years on the Road, Self-Care for Long-Term Travelers, Excitement and Challenges of Different Travel Modes, and Creating Your Own “Dream Day” with Will and Jessica Sueiro

How does full-time travel impact your mental health? What happens when the novelty of full-time travel begins to wear off? Today, I’m joined by Will and Jessica Sueiro to talk about the rewards and challenges of living this lifestyle. 

Will and Jessica Sueiro have been traveling full-time with their two kids for the last 10 years. They are the duo behind WorldTowning, which was started by their family and has since become a movement to empower others to explore and change the world through travel.

Will and Jessica talk about the reality of full-time travel and the impact that it’s had on their children. They share their family’s journey with mental health, why travel isn’t a “cure-all,” and why self-care and therapy are critical for nomads. We also have a conversation around how your preferred travel style can evolve over time and the struggles of finding work-life balance on the go. There are a ton of insights packed into this episode to take with you on your next adventure.

What has travel taught you about yourself? I’d love to hear your answers and hope you’ll share them by sending me an audio message.


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Tune In To Learn:

  • The WorldTowning philosophy and what their lifestyle looks like now
  • How it’s been watching their kids grow up in a travel lifestyle and advice on finding the balance with homeschooling
  • The mental health challenges that come with full-time travel and the importance of therapy and self-care (as individuals and couples)
  • Insights on recognizing the need for change, overcoming resistance, and finding a method that works for you
  • The challenges of running a business from the road and the biggest lessons they’ve learned
  • The different styles of travel they’ve experienced and insight into choosing a mode that works for you
  • Their next adventure hiking the Appalachian Trail as a family
  • Destinations they’ve come to really love
  • Why you should create your own “dream day” tradition
  • And so much more


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