Destination Bonanza w/ Chris Christensen

What is your favorite part of learning about new destinations?

Today I am joined by my friend and fellow travel podcaster, Chris Christensen to explore some of our favorite destinations. As host of the Amateur Traveler Podcast, Chris has produced over 800 episodes about destination travel and has traveled to 85 countries/territories.

You are not going to want to miss this episode, we discuss up-and-coming destinations, some of Chris’ childhood favorites, how to plan your next trip and pick a travel partner, simple ways to find work/life balance and so much more.

Which destination discussed in today’s episode do you want to visit next? I’d love to hear what they are and hope you will share them by sending me an audio message.

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This episode is also brought to you by Better Help, visit their website today to get 10% off your first month of services.

Tune in to learn: 

  • Why a passion for learning caused Chris to fall in love with travel
  • Early travel memories from Chris’ favorite National Parks 
  • How to find a balance between seeking new destinations and revisiting favorites
  • A few of Chris’ favorite road trips in his own backyard
  • Advice for finding harmony between your full-time job and passion for travel
  • Why taking advantage of opportunities is key to working your way around the globe
  • Simple things Chris has done to prioritize lifestyle first
  • How to set the pace and itinerary for your next trip
  • Up and coming destinations you should check out today
  • Why it’s important to explore a region outside of major cities
  • The reason we feel more connected to some places over others
  • Bucketlist worthy festivals from all around the world
  • Which places you should visit if you love great food
  • A few of Chris’ favorite travel resources and strange destinations you need to visit
  • Why who you travel with is more important than where you travel to
  • And so much more


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