Up and Coming Destinations (And Digital Nomad Hotspot): Bulgaria with Mitko

What new destination do you want to visit?

Today you’ll hear all about an up and coming destination:  Bulgaria. There are so many beautiful and incredible destinations to visit in this country (and amazing experiences to be had).

Bulgarian born Mitko stops by to give you the low down on why this is a place you should visit:

  • Super affordable
  • Great wi-fi
  • A good place to base for an extended period of time
  • How Bulgaria can allow you to double your legal stay in Europe

Mitko’s mission at That Remote Life is to better understand what makes remote workers and companies successful.

You’ll hear why he thinks his home country of Bulgaria is not only the next big digital nomad hotspot but also an amazing place to travel to…

Tune In To Learn:

  • The realities of an immigrant experience
  • What it costs to eat, drink, and live in Bulgaria
  • How you can find a place to stay in Bulgaria
  • Different vibes of some popular cities in Bulgaria
  • One of the best ways to actually learn
  • The challenges (and benefits) of remote work
  • The importance of community
  • And so much more


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