Green Book: The Most Important Guidebook Ever Published w/ Candacy Taylor

Have you ever considered how history has helped shape the present narrative when it comes to travel? 

Today I am joined by award-winning author, photographer, and cultural documentarian, Candacy Taylor, to talk about how a simple guidebook transformed travel for Black Americans in the Jim Crow segregation era.

Candacy shares her experience traveling to different Green Book sites across the United States to write her book Overground Railroad: The Green Book and the Roots of Black Travel in America. She also opens up about how her experiences with travel as a young adult and her background as an artist shaped her present-day journey as a storyteller and cultural documentarian.

Zero to Trave - Green Book: The Most Important Guidebook Ever Published with Candacy Taylor

If you are curious about how you can impact change in your own circle, get a glimpse into the difficulties Black families have faced when traveling, and see a side of activism and entrepreneurship not typically discussed, then you do not want to miss this episode. 

What type of legacy do you want to leave? I’d love to hear about it and hope you will share by sending me an audio message.

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Tune In To Learn:

  • What it means to be a culturual documentarian
  • The process Candacy uses to pursue a new project
  • What exactly is a Green Book and where to find them
  • Why Candacy’s roots as an artist play a big role in her current creations
  • The important lessons learned on her first road trip as an adult
  • Why solo car travel has played an important role in Candacy’s projects
  • About Black travel guides created before The Green Book
  • How The Green Book gained traction and became widespread
  • The best part of creating The Green Book Project
  • Why being willing to get uncomfortable will help change the current narrative
  • How to make connections through humanness
  • Candacy’s favorite U.S. road trip spots
  • What’s next for Candacy Taylor
  • And so much more


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