Travel Role Models and The Minority Nomad w/ Erick Prince

In this episode, you’ll hear from Erick Prince who is on a quest to become the first African American to travel to every country in the world (follow his journey at Minority Nomad).

Tune In To Learn:

  • The best way to learn about yourself and find new opportunities
  • How to show a different side of a country
  • Ways to show low-income kids the world is open to them
  • How reading can open things up for you
  • What changes your perspective on the world
  • Why traveling can help you see a better way
  • Ways to embrace privilege (to help others)
  • Erick’s personal daily mission to help others around the world
  • Ways to take the opportunity to share culture, identity, and history
  • How to be a mini-ambassador for your country
  • And so much more!


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