Getting off the Beaten Path With Travel Writing Legend Joe Cummings

How often do you find yourself getting off the beaten path, and how have those experiences shaped you?

In this episode, I have travel writing legend Joe Cummings as my guest, who wrote the very first Lonely Planet Guide book to Thailand back in the early ’80s. We dive into what that was like, talk about what guidebooks have done to travel (the good, the bad, and the ugly), and the benefits of getting off the beaten path. He shares tons of stories that encompass his entire travel writing career, including one with Mick Jagger!

What is your favorite travel story? I’d love to hear about it and hope you’ll share by sending me an audio message.

This is a republished episode from 2020.


Tune In To Learn:

  • What led Joe to Bangkok
  • How we went from Quaker College to a travel writing rockstar
  • Finding the balance between feeling and communicating in guidebook writing
  • The good, the bad, and the ugly of guidebooks on travel
  • Joe’s advice on finding and getting off the beaten path on your travels
  • How travel has changed (for the better and worse) with technology
  • Eastern philosophies and the influence on travel
  • Fundamental mindset shifts from living outside of the US
  • Tips for travel and honing your craft
  • How to experience the real Thailand
  • And so much more


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