Best Remote Work + Digital Nomad Destinations 2023 (And Beyond) w/ Tim Leffel

What are the essential qualities of the best remote work destinations?

Today I am joined by award-winning travel journalist and friend of the show, Tim Leffel, to review his hand-tailored list of up-and-coming remote work destinations for 2023.

Tim has been a travel writer since 1993 and has been writing, editing, and publishing travel-related content full-time since 2006. He has lived abroad in Turkey, Korea, and Mexico and combines his extensive personal experience living abroad with his professional resources to produce quality content that helps others achieve their travel dreams.

If you want to spend quality time in a new location, you will not want to miss today’s episode. Tim shares his favorite tools for gauging rental costs, tips for getting over jetlag quickly,  Jet lag tips, which destinations will match your personality best, why you should ditch the coworking space, how to support the local economy, trends in long-term Visas and so much more. 

When is your next proper vacation? I’d love to hear what they are and hope you will share them by sending me an audio message.

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Tune In To Learn:

  • Top tips for beating jetlag when traveling internationally
  • How Tim tailored the list to your personal preferences
  • Why consider a country’s politics before spending time there
  • Which popular big cities (5 million + population) are also affordable 
  • The difference between cutting expenses and upgrading your lifestyle
  • The best cost of living tool to compare destinations
  • How to break free of the ex-pat bubble when living abroad
  • Great affordable destinations in mid-sized cities
  • The next big hotspot in Eastern Europe
  • Where to go if you prefer small cities
  • Up and coming cities to settle if you love beach life
  • How changes in Visa trends can impact a destination’s age demographic
  • Why some countries are offering an easier path to becoming citizens
  • What made Tim decide to settle down in Mexico
  • How to stay engaged in the business community when living abroad
  • And so much more


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