Going Where Your Heart Wants To Be + How To Create & Sell A Physical Product w/ Paolo Dobrowolny

Have you ever been drawn to something so strongly that you are willing to uproot your life in order to get closer to it? 

This week I’m joined by location independent entrepreneur, Paolo Dobrowolny, who shares the story of how following his dream of moving from Italy to California, led to building a business surrounding a lifestyle he loves.

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to chase your lifestyle dreams, then you won’t want to miss this episode. Paolo shares exactly how he overcame the fears and obstacles that went along with uprooting his life in Italy to chase the California dream as well as an abundance of tips for aspiring product creators.

What steps can you take towards becoming the person you strive to be? I’d love to hear what they are and hope you will share them by sending me an audio message.

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Today’s episode is sponsored by Expedia’s new podcast,  Out Travel The System, subscribe today to get tips, tricks, inspiration, and information to help plan your next trip.

Tune In To Learn:

  • 10:20 What exactly is an Eggboard?
  • 12:30 All about growing up in Italy
  • 15:10 Why Paolo was drawn to the California lifestyle
  • 19:00 How a controversial tech startup started the journey 
  • 22:10 What it was like to uproot from Italy to live in California
  • 26:00 When Paolo met the love of his life & why he likes living in the U.S. 
  • 30:20 Why having Italian roots comes in handy in the U.S.
  • 36:40 Perspective surrounding “home” when living abroad
  • 40:50 The secret to creating physical products as a location independent entrepreneur
  • 51:10 What it’s like to build a brand and business around your preferred lifestyle
  • 55:20 Paolo’s favorite pasta recipe
  • 1:04:40 The trick to getting closer to the person you want to be
  • And so much more


Want More?

 Photo Credit: https://eggboards.com/pages/about-us

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