8th Annual Norwegian Christmas Spectacular

Are you ready for the 8th Annual Norwegian Christmas Spectacular? 

Well, the wait is finally over!

This year my wife Anne Dorthe and I have put together a very special episode all about the experiences we create and value during the holiday season.

If you’re ready to learn more about creating new experiences through family time, music, food, activities, and gifts, then grab your favorite holiday beverage, cozy up by the fire, and tune in.

What are your favorite experiences and traditions during the holiday season? I’d love to hear about them and hope you will share them by sending me an audio message.

Don’t forget that if you want access to the private Zero To Travel podcast feed, a bonus episode every month (decided on by YOU), exclusive content, direct access to me to answer your questions, and more. Click Here To Try Premium Passport For Only $1 and get:

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Today’s episode is sponsored by Expedia’s new podcast,  Out Travel The System, subscribe today to get tips, tricks, inspiration, and information to help plan your next trip. Today’s episode is sponsored by the amazing folks over at Wildly Goods which helps to keep me (and my feet) ridiculously comfortable and blister-free through all seasons.

Tune In To Learn:

  • 09:10 The true meaning in creating experiences around the holidays
  • 18:10 A peek into one of our family’s new Christmas traditions
  • 21:20 What tunes best create the Holiday spirit
  • 28:00 Which classic Norwegian and American foods are essential for celebrating
  • 31:30 Our family’s favorite Christmas season activities
  • 38:00 What I bought for the family this year to get in the Christmas spirit
  • 40:50 Which gifts we remember most from Childhood
  • And so much more


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