Top 7 Hidden Wonders Of The World w/ Dylan Thuras (Atlas Obscura)

Do you ever find yourself wondering how to get off the beaten path while traveling? 

This week I am joined by fellow entrepreneur, podcaster, and travel junkie Dylan Thuras, to discuss some of his favorite lesser-known wonders and delicacies from every single continent. As the co-founder of Atlas Obscura, Dylan possesses a wealth of experience and knowledge about unique points of interest all around the world.

You are not going to want to miss this episode because Dylan shares some of his favorite places to go and foods to eat, some of which you’ve never heard of. We cover where to go, how to get there, and what type of hidden treasures are waiting for you off the beaten path. 

Which one of these 7 hidden wonders would do you want to visit first? I’d love to hear what stuck out and hope you will share by sending me an audio message.

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Tune In To Learn:

  • Why owning a business is like raising a child
  • How Atlas Obscura strives to maintain a global perspective
  • Why traversing a dangerous mountainside will lead you to the best tea in Asia 
  • The Atlantis-like beauty off the coast of Africa and mystery berry that will trick your tastebuds
  • What’s special about an Antarctic waterfall with a tinted twist
  • Where to find gourmet greens in the world’s harshest conditions
  • Which region you can fly over to see ancient artwork miles long
  • What continent found a fat even better than butter on bread
  • Where to go in Europe to find a church filled with bones
  • The North American castle that will take you back to the Middle Ages
  • Why this unique fish dish that should not be mixed with coffee
  • The bridge in South America that is remade every year
  • Which delicacy was thought to be served at the last supper
  • And so much more


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Photo by Yu Gui on Unsplash

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