Reading a Book from Every Country in the World: A Year-Long Quest of Understanding with Ann Morgan

What does it mean to read the world, and how can it transform your perspective on global cultures?

Ann Morgan is an author, novelist, and literary explorer based in Folkestone, UK. In 2012, she challenged herself to read a book from every country, recording her quest at and in the non-fiction book Reading the World.

Ann shares her experience, giving us powerful insights into literature’s ability to expand horizons and challenge preconceptions. She shares tips on finding books that challenge your worldview, the importance of reading outside your comfort zone, and how literature can reveal cultural blind spots. We talk about some of the challenges with reading globally and what to be cautious of when choosing what to read.

You’ll walk away with fresh perspectives on how stories from around the globe can enrich your understanding of the world and your place in it.

Which book from a different culture or country has impacted how you see the world? I’d love to hear about it, and I hope you’ll share by sending me an audio message.

Ann Morgan

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Tune In To Learn:

  • How her quest developed and grew beyond anything she expected (and why people are STILL talking about it!)
  • The concept of “authentic reading” and avoiding the “authenticity trap”
  • Tips on finding authentic voices in global literature
  • The fine line between cultural appreciation and appropriation when sharing stories
  • The role of translation and how it influences your perception of a culture 
  • Stories of fascinating connections she made through her literary project
  • The challenges and rewards of reading globally and understanding biases
  • Why reading internationally can deepen more than just your travel experiences
  • And so much more


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