The World Walk (4 Years In) With Tom Turcich

Have you seen Tom Turcich walking around the world?

Well, there’s a good chance as he’s been doing it for almost 5 years!

Tom returns to the show to share his experience walking around the world (with his dog Savannah). Maybe you heard the last show where he was walking from NJ to Ecuador in a little over a year…..and now he is 4 years in, has been all over the world and has stories to tell.

How would your perspective change?

Do you think you could overcome the mental, physical and emotional challenges of a world walk?

Maybe you could start small and just do a walk in your home town or state.

Tune In To Learn:

  • How to start walking again after an illness
  • The best way to move internationally
  • How to find water, food, and a place to sleep
  • What it’s like to get a 45-day police escort in Algeria
  • How you can change and grow (during a world walk)
  • Ways to enjoy something different every day
  • The ultimate Swiss Army Knife for travel
  • How to acquire “wealth” through walking and camping
  • How to get your dog overseas (and into hotels)


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