Welcome to the Zero To Travel Community!

You are AMAZING!

You’re now part of an awesome group of travel obsessed people from around the world. I’m so happy to welcome you here.

You’re probably wondering…now what?

Just 3 quick things to share with you….

First, I want to let you know about our 5 star travel podcast which is another FREE resource to help you travel deeper and cheaper on your terms.

It’s an awesome cocktail of travel inspiration mixed with actionable advice from experts.

Give it a listen! You can also:

Subscribe To The Podcast on iTunes

Second, my mission is to help you travel for as long as you desire.

Every trip is different, and as time goes on things change. Your travel style, destinations you want to visit, how long you want to travel, life dreams, hobby’s and on and on.

Think of Zero To Travel as an a la carte travel menu that will grow with you.

Over 15+ years of traveling I’ve worked on the road, started location independent businesses (failed and succeeded) and budget traveled all over the world. The way I travel always changes but one thing remains…I continue traveling because I love it!

Chances are that how you travel will continue to evolve, which is why I continue to explore various ways to see the world and share them with you.

Third, ZTT is a great place to connect offline with other like minded travelers around the world. Let’s get off the screens and meet up in the real world!

Our community is made up of seasoned travelers, newbies and everybody in between. We’re all helping each other out.

Like us on Facebook to chat with other like minded travelers.
Join me on Twitter, where I say stupid things in 140 characters or less.

Oh, and I didn’t forget about your free resource guide for wanderliving. It’s packed with goodies.

Download the Wanderliving Resources Guide

While you’re here, feel free to have a look around! Thanks again.

Yours in travel,


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