Trekking Nepal Series: Audio Guidary Sneak Peek

Have you ever thought about Trekking Nepal?

Today you’ll get a little something different with an audio adventure, unlike anything you’ve ever heard! Tune in now to get a sneak peek of Episode 1.

My wife Anne Dorthe and I are taking you to the beautiful country of Nepal through a unique 16-part travel podcast series – the world’s first “audio guidary” (part audio guide and part diary): Trekking Nepal: Your Adventure Guide | A Zero To Travel Podcast Series

What you’ll get:

  • We’ll be your travel companions as you soak up the entire Himalayan mountain trekking experience, going from the bustling capital city of Kathmandu to remote Tibetan Buddhist monasteries and beyond.
  • Along the way, you’ll discover Nepalese Culture, learn about her history, and meet her famous friendly people.
  • Enjoy the sounds of the villages, the music, the spinning prayer wheels, and the gentle wisdom of our Nepalese guide, Samir, as he shares insightful and practical information for trekking in the Himalayan Mountains.

Listen now to experience this one-of-a-kind audio adventure, and learn how to plan your own trek in Nepal. Don’t wait! Subscribe now to get access to the entire series.


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