Travel Legends Series: The Story of WWOOF – An Interview With Founder Sue Coppard

Whilst WWOOFing at a Community Agriculture Cooperative my friend Emma Johnson got to meet Sue Coppard, the woman that started WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities On Organic Farms) back in in 1971.

WWOOF is an organization that allows travelers to work at organic farms around the world in exchange for free room and board.

In this episode, Emma provides a candid interview with this travel LEGEND. She sits down with Sue at her home in South West England and we get to listen in and hear how WWOOF all began.

Listen now and you’ll learn:

  • How you can work at farms worldwide in exchange for room and board
  • The story of how WWOOF began and how it has grown
  • How WWOOF got its name
  • Why organic farms were the focus for Sue
  • The attitude you need to be a wwoofer
  • How WWOOFing ran before the internet
  • WWOOFing controversy and the real truth behind the stories
  • What WWOOFing was like in the 1970’s
  • Sue’s wisdom on running a very large (mostly) volunteer organization.
  • The purpose of the new Federation of WWOOF Organisations (FOWO)
  • What your WWOOF membership costs go towards
  • The personal development benefits of travel

Resources Mentioned

Want More Information About WWOOFING?

Check out The Real WWOOF Experience (Podcast)

What’s the deal with WWOOFing?  (Article)

Zero To Travel Podcast Archive

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