Transition To Travel: Single Mom + 3 Kids Move To Mexico (Jenita’s Story)

Do you think you could sell your house, quit your job, and move to Mexico?

Well, tune in to learn how my new friend Jenita Lawal did just that (with her 3 kids)!

You are in for a real treat today as we are doing some time traveling (8 months into the future) with another transition to travel story.

You’ll hear what it was like before Jenita left for her trip after she got rid of all her belongings getting ready to make this change, and then 8 months later, living in Mexico…

You’ll find out:

  • If some of her fears came true
  • How life is going down in Mexico
  • Ways to open up new information
  • If it’s really worth moving to become an ex-pat
  • How you can adjust on the fly to a new situation
  • Options to homeschool your children
  • What you can do about creating income while living in Mexico
  • How much it actually costs to live in Mexico
  • How to overcome obstacles
  • And so much more


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