Round The World Travel + GAP Year For All! With Sean Keener from

Ever thought about taking a round the world journey?

Sean Keener stops by to talk round the world travel and gives his take on why gap years/career breaks should be on everybody’s resume!

Sean specializes in helping you plan round the world journeys through BootsnAll. BootsnAll helps unite independent travelers and helps people wander the planet! It’s the best place to plan and purchase complex travel- round the world trips- and multi-stop international trips.

The BootsnAll team has helped over 4 million people get their boots on the ground, so you’ll definitely want to listen to today’s show!

You’ll Learn:

  • The importance of figuring out your WHY
  • How much money it takes to travel the world comfortably for a year
  • The best resources to circumnavigate the planet
  • The triangle of success (in both life and business)
  • One critical part of success for BootsnAll
  • The best way to learn about yourself and the context of a complex world
  • The difference between World geography vs airline geography
  • The ‘gateway drug’ for travel
  • The best way to learn (in travel, business, and life)
  • Why a Gap year/Career break can happen at any age
  • How digital sabbaticals can help with focus
  • And much more!


Looking for more Zero To Travel Podcasts? Check out the archives for all past episodes!

Photo care of the BootsnAll blog.

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