Romance on The Road

In this episode of the Zero To Travel Podcast, we talk about romance on the road! Emilie Wapnick of takes the reins to interview my wife Anne Dorthe and I about our relationship, which began in a hostel in Brazil.

Can love and travel work? Can you date while you’re traveling? How do you keep a long-distance relationship going? Listen in to find out our take on all of these questions and more!

You will learn:

  • How Jason and Anne Dorthe met while traveling
  • The difference between a holiday fling and the real deal
  • The importance of risk in starting a long-distance relationship
  • The pros and cons of meeting someone while traveling
  • How to switch from a holiday relationship to a serious relationship
  • How to live your own life when you’re in a long-distance relationship
  • Tips for managing a long-distance relationship
  • The advantages of being in a long-distance relationship
  • What it’s like to be in a relationship with a traveler
  • How Jason and Anne Dorthe overcame cultural and lifestyle differences
  • How the couple is dealing with visa issues

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