Refugee Stories: 12 Countries In 10 Years

What refugee stories have you heard?

Today, more than ever we need to make people feel welcome and safe. It will allow you to be more accepting and you can connect in a new way.

In today’s episode, you’ll gain a better understanding of what the refugee experience is like from Aiman Shaqura. He came to Norway as a refugee in 1991 after 10 years on the run through 12 countries.

Helping immigrants and refugees become integrated into their new home country is a cause close to his heart, so he started Give a Job; an organization based in Norway that helps match refugees with the needs of businesses. Give a Job has helped hundreds of immigrants get work and continues to do so.

Aiman has also built and sold a number of companies; his latest project Charge is Norway’s first entrepreneurial incubator for first-generation immigrants who have ambitions to create future growth companies.

You’ll hear so much including:

  • Why life in a safe place was like hell in paradise
  • Thoughts around the media’s coverage of the refugee crisis
  • Real refugee stories
  • How you can help refugees on the ground in your daily life
  • Best piece of business advice for budding entrepreneurs
  • The most powerful mindset strategy you’ve ever heard
  • And a whole lot more


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