DIY Adventure: Around the World in a $100 Car, the Pan-American Highway in a School Bus, Community-Powered Travel with Global Convoy Founder Joel Chevaillier

Would you take a road trip with strangers—across continents—in a $100 car or a converted school bus? How can ridiculous travel change your life for the better?

Joel is one of the founders of Global Convoy, a travel movement built on trust, optimism, and a willingness to figure things out along the way. What started as a spontaneous idea to drive around the world in a beat-up car became a series of epic journeys involving strangers and a DIY spirit.

Joel shares incredible stories of unpredictable roadblocks and unforgettable connections while navigating the Pan-American Highway in a converted school bus. He explains how Global Convoy grew into an inclusive community for travelers seeking to escape their comfort zones and embrace the “mayhem.” 

He gives a fresh perspective to exploring the world on a budget, showing how to make incredible journeys possible without deep pockets or a perfect plan. You’ll learn practical tips to DIY your own adventure, insights on sustainable travel, leveraging community and collaboration for cost-effective adventures, and cultivating a mindset of adaptability and trust while on the road.

What’s your wildest travel dream, and who would you invite to join you on the journey? I’d love to hear about it, and I hope you’ll share by sending me an audio message.

Global Convoy Global Convoy - Pan-American Highway

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Tune In To Learn:

  • How his around-the-world journey in a $100 car with strangers evolved into a global travel movement
  • What it really means to DIY an adventure and travel on nothing but optimism
  • What it was like to pick up hitchhikers and invite strangers from the internet to join their convoy 
  • How Joel manages the reality and expectations of this kind of trip and how he vets participants
  • Tips on managing conflict, group dynamics, and building trust on the road
  • Insights into the overlanding community, his most memorable encounters, and favorite locations
  • The unusual way they choose their route on the Pan-American Highway (a fun way for you to plan your next trip!)
  • Perspectives on balancing spontaneity with preparation in global travel
  • Why being open is the best way to make travel sustainable and insights on creating your own unique lifestyle
  • Why you should consider Bansko, Bulgaria as your base
  • And so much more


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