Luck Is No Accident: Making The Most Of Happenstance with Dr. John Krumboltz

What have your travels led to in your life?

Today you’ll hear 3 HUGE reasons why travel is so much more than just travel. Plus, hear how happenstance can serve you!

My guest Dr. John Krumboltz has created the most liberating career and life theory that you’ll ever hear.

He’s a renowned counseling psychologist, professor of education and psychology at Stanford University, and co-author of the book, Luck is No Accident: Making the Most of Happenstance in Your Life and Career.

Tune In To Learn:

  • How to maintain balance to keep open to happenstance
  • Ways to better recognize opportunities as they pop up
  • What every human being does
  • Why it’s good to pick what you enjoy at any moment
  • How to eliminate pressure to decide
  • Why we should examine our society
  • A wonderful question to ask people
  • Why you don’t need to have a plan
  • And so much more


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