Getting Free Through Travel with Mike Clarity

Have you seen Mike Clarity around the world?

What does the evolution of YOU have to do with travel?

Tune in to find out how to evolve through travel.

Plus, you’ll hear a wonderful conversation with a listener of the show; Mike Clarity.  Clarity walked away from a day job and a lifestyle that he felt was suffocating his spirit. He shares stories of life on the road, poetry, and all kinds of interesting travel anecdotes.

Learn about getting free through travel (and what that means), the distillation process that takes place while you are on the road, where growth occurs in travel, and just a ton more!

Tune In To Learn:

  • How to live more meaningful days
  • Ways to be inspired (instead of jealous)
  • How to reach out and capture data in your brain
  • A wonderful way to travel and connect with the community
  • How to feel richer in all aspects of your life
  • The hack to traveling on your terms
  • Ways to make money while on the road
  • How to find real wealth in travel


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