Greatest Hits: How To Overcome Travel Anxiety and the Fear of Flying

Do you have a fear of flying or get stressed and anxious while you’re traveling? In today’s Greatest Hits episode, you’ll learn how to run your brain instead of letting your brain run you with Lawrence Leyton and Mark Wein, experts in overcoming the fear of flying.

Through their work with the Fear of Flying TV show in the UK and easyJet’s Fearless Flyer course, phobia expert Lawrence and ex-phobic Mark have helped thousands conquer their aviation anxieties. 

Lawrence and Mark talk about their experience with the fear of flying and dig into the root cause of phobias. They share practical tips and strategies for conquering the fear of flying and managing anxiety during various travel situations.

What piece of advice will you try next time you get travel anxiety? I’d love to hear what they are, and I hope you’ll share them by sending me an audio message.

*We’re sharing previous episodes to highlight Mental Health Month! Zero To Travel episodes are timeless and provide valuable insight whenever you listen.

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Tune In To Learn:

  • Insight into phobias and techniques and therapies for conquering fear
  • Understanding the fear of flying and technical vs. psychological phobias
  • The motivation behind fear and the relationship with panic attacks 
  • The downsides of self-medicating
  • How to combat anxiety by using knowledge and simple psychology 
  • Their best advice for entrepreneurs
  • And so much more


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