A Horseback Ride Across the USA

What is the biggest takeaway from your last trip?

‘Theme’ week continues on the Zero to Travel Podcast as you’ll hear another story of travel with a four-legged friend.

Meet Jesse (aka Alex) and his horse Pepper. They took off on an amazing 8-month journey across the USA from the Pacific to the Atlantic. Check out Jesse’s story on his facebook page, On the Hoof, Sea to Sea.

Jesse took a few similar trips on a moped and flying a small plane. He also rode a motorcycle across the country and bicycled across Canada (where the idea for the Horse trip was born!).

He shares with you his journey within the journey.

Listen now to Learn:

  • How to Save up money for a trip
  • How to go about buying a horse
  • Where to keep your horse (and how much boarding can cost)
  • How to solidify a bond with a new horse
  • Ways to plan your route when traveling with a horse
  • How to ‘stealth camp’ with a 950lb animal
  • What to do with the manure
  • The legality of traveling by horseback (no longer living in the old west)
  • How to exercise patience and live in the present moment
  • And much, much more!


On the Hoof, Sea to Sea
Emilie Wapnick: Why some of us don’t have one true calling
Dan Aadland
Atlas & Gazetteers- by State- DeLorme
Location Indie
Tortuga Backpacks

See below for some additional photos of Jesse and Pepper’s trip!

Zero To Travel Podcast A Horseback Ride Across the USA

Zero To Travel Podcast A Horseback Ride Across the USA

Zero To Travel Podcast A Horseback Ride Across the USA

Zero To Travel Podcast A Horseback Ride Across the USA

Be sure to check out the archives for more Zero To Travel Podcasts.

The post A Horseback Ride Across the USA appeared first on Zero to Travel.

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